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Zodiac Chart
Zodiac Chart

Astrology Basics

Written by Wray Dansereau



In order to understand how astrology intersects with tarot, it’s important to learn some foundational information about astrology. You can later use this information to learn the astrological associations or “attributions” for each of the tarot cards.  For example, the Emperor relates to the sign of Aries and The Empress is ruled by the planet Venus.  Additionally, this astrological information will help you learn how to do a twelve-card astrology wheel spread.   So, let’s get started with the basics! 


The Natal Astrology Chart

A birth or natal astrology chart is derived by using a person’s exact date, time and location of birth, which can show the positions of the Sun, Moon and planets the moment a person was born.  It has been believed for centuries that there is a relationship between the planetary positions and human life on our planet, as well as, our environment. In other words, astrologers believe that the planetary energies have an impact on us, or resonate with us, in different ways, based on the planetary positions at birth.  For example, an astrology chart can reveal personality traits, emotional nature, innate talents, strengths, weakness, along with drives and motivations toward self-expression and fulfillment.  As well, you can see the conditions or characteristics of your home, family, work environment and friendship groups, to name a few areas.


The study of astrology encompasses several fundamental building blocks, in order to read or interpret a natal chart.  These basic building blocks include planets, zodiacal signs, twelve houses and aspects (angles that planets make to one another in the horoscope chart).   The planets in astrology (which includes the Sun and Moon) tend to show us “what” is being expressed.   Zodiac signs tell us “how” the planet will be expressed.  Lastly, the twelve astrological houses, show us “where” the experience or action occurs.  In other words, what realm of life is being impacted by a planetary energy or zodiac sign. For example, the 2nd house relates to finances, possessions and personal values.  The 7th house is all about one-on-one relationships with other people and the 10th house shows information about career, ambition and public image.  


When studying the basic building blocks of astrology, we use what is referred to as a “natural” or flat zodiacal wheel.  You will notice, the first house starts with the sign of Aries on the left-hand side of the wheel. This is a default position for Aries in the 1st house because it is the first sign of the zodiac, marking the spring equinox and the beginning of the spring season. Of note, the natural wheel is used for studying purposes, whereas, an actual birth chart would have different signs on the cusps of each house, depending on the day and time of birth.   




A ruler typically refers to a planet that is assigned to a specific astrological sign.  It’s fair to say that a planetary ruler has similar temperament and characteristics with the sign to which its associated. So, they are considered to be harmonious with one another and have a close affiliation.   


Similarly, each of the 12 astrology houses on the zodiac wheel is naturally “ruled” or associated with one of zodiac signs and a planet.  


Additionally, there is a corresponding element for each house and sign, as well.   There are four natural elements that are used in astrology.  Each zodiac sign and house correspond to one of the four elements:  fire, earth, air and water.   You will note from the diagram below that the zodiac signs, planets and elements have been entered into each house for you to review.    


Twelve Astrological Houses

Written by Wray Dansereau

1st House

Ruling planet: Mars

Sign: Aries

Element: Fire

Modality: Cardinal


The 1st fire house of Aries relates to self, personality traits, demeanor and the way you approach life.  This house is also about your self-image, along with realization of your identity.  It also refers to how you project yourself outwardly, with your own unique personal expression. Actually, the Ascendant which is the zodiacal sign on the cusp of the 1st house influences and colours how you interact with the environment around you and it impacts your general outlook or perspective. One important factor, is that this house relates to very early childhood experiences that inform your life perspective.  Given Mars rules the first house, your physical body, appearance, as well as, your vitality and energy can be assessed in this 1st house. 

2nd  House

Ruling planet: Venus

Sign: Taurus

Element: Earth

Modality: Fixed


The second earth house of Taurus relates to your money, assets, investments and possessions.  It also shows your talents, personal resources and the income you can earn by using your skills or talents.  As well, this house speaks to concepts of security and the things you want or need that make you feel more comfortable.  If you are frugal and like to save money, this house will show it.  Or, if you spend too much money, those characteristics will also come forward.  This second house is ruled by Venus, therefore, your personal values and self-worth also belong here.  Our material possessions and financial success are sometimes associated with our sense of self-worth. So, we often have to sort through the value we place on things and money, in relation to our self-worth and self-esteem.  Lastly, the 2nd earth house shows our need for a sense of security and safety in the physical world. 

3rd   House

Ruling planet: Mercury

Sign: Gemini

Element: Air

Modality: Mutable


The 3rd air house of Gemini relates to all forms of communication – written and verbal including messages, phone calls and emails, for example.  These forms of communication have an impact on relationships with people in our close vicinity because communication is how we connect and interact with one another, along with exchanging ideas and opinions.  Additionally, this house relates to early education, such as development of language, reading and writing.  The 3rd house, encompasses logical, rational and concrete thought.  As well, the 3rd house tells us something about daily activities and movement within the immediate environment or within a close vicinity.  Lastly, it relates to short distance travel, forms of transportation, public transit, along with neighbours and siblings. 

4th   House

Ruling planet: Moon

Sign: Cancer

Element: Water

Modality: Cardinal


The 4th water house of Cancer relates to home, family, your roots, and traditions within the family.  It may speak to the characteristics or conditions within the home or family of origin.  It's ruled by the Moon astrologically, so this is a very emotional and deep house.  It relates to who we are on an inner level and how we find  emotional security and sense of belonging.  This house can also relate to your physical home/house and show the atmosphere within your home.  The 4th house provide information about parents or caregivers to whom you're attached from childhood.  One school of thought suggests this house relates to maternal/mother relationship; another school of thought suggests it relates to the father because the origin and name we inherit from father.   Lastly, the 4th house provides information about your ancestors, homeland,  and genealogy. 

5th   House

Ruling planet: Sun

Sign: Leo

Element: Fire

Modality: Fixed


The 5th house of Leo relates to creative self-expression, play, enjoyment, hobbies, pleasures and pastimes.  So, it's all the ways in which we have fun and find happiness and joy.  Often, this house relates to attending or participating in recreational and/or sporting activities.  Additionally, the 5th house can refer to romance and how being romantically in love can make us feel special.  This house is ruled by the Sun, so there is a desire to shine and find purpose, such as creatively expressing ourselves or pursing artistic passions.   It’s important in the 5th house to express who we truly are inside, therefore, it’s sometimes referred to as the house of the "inner child."   Alternatively, it can represent how we interact and play with our own children, or other children within our lives.

6th  House

Ruling planet: Mercury

Sign: Virgo

Element: Earth

Modality: Mutable


The 6th earth house of Virgo has an important role in our lives.  It relates to health and wellbeing, general lifestyle, along with service and health care providers.  This is also the house of daily activities, your routine  and how you perform mundane chores.  Additionally, it relates to how we approach work tasks, along with characteristics of our work environment.  It also tells us something about our pets and the care we provide to them.  Overall, the 6th house relates to daily, practical, and utilitarian responsibilities in life but also about how we refine and improve ourselves along the way.   This  house is ruled by Mercury, so there is a practical but also methodical and logical aspect - such as how you manage or schedule your time, or how you organize your life.  Lastly, this house also relates to health, fitness, diet, exercise, cleaning and hygiene.  

​7th House

Ruling planet: Venus

Sign: Libra

Element: Air

Modality: Cardinal


The 7th air house of Libra relates to various types of significant relationships and connections with other people.  The sign on the descendant (cusp of the 7th house) or planets within this house can show the qualities and characteristics of the people we attract into our lives.  This could relate to friendships, romantic partners, a spouse, business partnerships or other professional relationships.   Because this is an air house, communication and how we relate to others will be a factor.  At times, we will find agreement with others, along with mutual co-operation and sociability, particularly given the Venus rulership in this house.  However, the 7th house can also show the disagreements or battles we might have with others - even adversaries or "open enemies" (as opposed to the 12th house, which often refers to hidden enemies).  Lastly, the 7th house can also relate to legal matters, diplomacy, negotiations, contracts and formal agreements.  

8th   House

Ruling planet: Venus

Sign: Taurus

Element: Earth

Modality: Fixed


The 8th water house of Scorpio relates to the deeper connections we make in relationships.  For example, how we merge our money, resources, values and  sexuality.  So, where the 7th house is about relationships in general, the 8th house tells us what occurs when we merge with someone else in a marriage or even a business partnership.  We discover how comfortable we are with merging with someone else with regard to values, resources and intimacy.  Intense, deep relationships can be a catalyst for growth, change and, ultimately, transformation which symbolic of the 8th house.  However, we also might also discover aspects of ourselves or others that are more challenging, such as jealousy, greed and issues of power and control, given the rulership of Pluto. This is also the house of death, endings, birth and regeneration.  With regard to finances and resources, the 8th house deals with inheritances, wills, trusts, loans, insurance, taxes or shared debts. 

9th   House

Ruling planet: Jupiter

Sign: Sagittarius

Element: Fire

Modality: Mutable


The 9th fire house of Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter.  This house relates to learning, academics, higher education and expanding our horizons.. It shows a person’s world view, opinion and perspective on a variety of areas.  For example, political and philosophical ideologies would fall under this house, along with religious beliefs, morals and ethics.  Essentially, it shows our state of awareness and how we find meaning in life through these various beliefs and viewpoints. The 9th house also deals with theories, abstractions and recognizing patterns, as opposed to the concrete facts we collect and learn in the 3rd house.  Given this house’s connection to Jupiter/Sagittarius, it deals with long-distance travel, as well as, foreign cultures and foreigners. Overall, this house is about a journey of learning and discovery, whether that be through books and studying or through actual experiences in the larger world, all of which help to expand our horizons and perspective.

10th   House

Ruling planet: Saturn

Sign: Capricorn

Element: Earth

Modality: Cardinal


The 10th earth house of Capricorn relates to career ambitions, recognition and our public image.  It’s ruled by Saturn, so there is a serious quality to the activities in this house.  The planet Saturn suggests that hard work is applied, with the hope of successfully attaining goals and solidifying a place in the external world and society.  Often, there is a drive to take on responsibilities and obligations, along with being concerned about social rules and norms. This is the house that shows our leadership skills,  reputation and social standing.  Additionally, it relates to how we project our image out to the world, which relates to the Midheaven point (MC) on the 10th house cusp.   Given this is an earth house, manifesting goals is an important factor for the 10th house. We want to be acknowledged and respected for our achievements in the material world and the social status we’ve attained.  Lastly, this house is thought to represent our father and other authority figures in our life including the government (note some astrologers prefer to put mother under the 10th house). 


11th   House

Ruling planet: Uranus

Sign: Aquarius

Element: Air

Modality: Fixed


The 11th air house of Aquarius is ruled by Uranus. This house relates to our aspirations, goals, wishes and hopes. It's also about connection with others in terms of friendship circles, groups, networks, organizations or a community.  This is a very forward-thinking house with a focus on connecting with others often through shared ideas, thoughts or causes.   These connections and experiences, take us beyond our individual ego, in order to become part of a larger system or collective that has a purpose.  There is a humanitarian aspect to the 11th house that can be quite idealistic.  Given the planet Uranus rules this house, there is a focus on progression, innovation and envisioning a better future.   Therefore,  the 11th house shows new ideas being developed, in order to create change through political activism or raising social consciousness, for example.  It’s also the house that relates to advancement in communication technology and social media. 

12th   House

Ruling planet: Neptune

Sign: Pisces

Element: Water

Modality: Mutable


The 12th water house of Pisces, is quite an esoteric house, ruled by Neptune.  It's all about letting go of individual ego boundaries and recognizing our connection to something greater than ourselves. For example, spiritually we have a longing for union with God or Universal energy.   Psychologically, this house relates to our connection to the collective unconscious.  On a more human physical level, this sense of connection to others translates into deep compassion and sympathy for human suffering.  Often our boundaries are not as well defined in this house, so we might find ourselves sacrificing something to meet the needs of other people.  The 12th house also relates to our own well of spiritual wisdom and inner truth from which we can draw upon.  There may be a keen interest in studying spirituality, metaphysics, meditation, intuition, regression or dream work.  Additionally, the 12th also relates to our personal unconscious, therefore, certain behavioural patterns or hidden fears could surface in this house, as well as, potential addictions and forms of escapism.  Lastly, this house relates to  things that are hidden - not just enemies  - but someone who may be hidden from society in some way.  For example, being confined or isolated in a prison, hospital or even a convent or monastery. 

Astrology Map

Zodiacal Signs

In development

Astrology Map
Planet and Moon


In development

Planet and Moon

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Astrology Basics
Twelve Astrology Houses
Zodiac Signs
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